Friday, April 4, 2008

Work, Work, Work

This has become a killer work week for me. My boss approached me in the late afternoon on monday to ask me about a potential job to run on the stitcher trimmer at the bindery. For those of you who don't know what the stitcher trimmer is, it is a machine that will collate the pages of a magazine, staple it, and then trim three of the edges making the book look really nice. The job was very large for our shop with a book total of 328,000. The job also had to be done by Tuesday April 8th. Our machine can run books at a top speed of 10,100 per/hr but only if you encounter no problems.

I told my boss this and said that we would do whatever he wanted. Well, we took the job and wouldn't you know it but the company who sent it to us had miss labeled everything. We also didn't get the job until late Tuesday and had a few problems getting it to run correctly. Suffice it to say we are not likely to get it done by next Tuesday. But, that doesn't stop me (and those I work with like my brother Steven) from trying. So starting Wednesday I have been putting in 10 hour work days. It wouldn't be that bad except you have to stand all day. My heels and knees hurt. I will also be putting in some time on Saturday (just a few hours because of General Conference) and probably another 10 on Monday and Tuesday. I guess that's why they pay me the BIG BUCKS!

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