Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Mario Kart Wii

Most of you know that I have a Wii. Many of you have played it with me. It is a wonderful system that provides hours and hours of fun. There are games that Whitney and I can play together, which is great. I love playing video games with other people. That being said, I know some of you also have Wiis. I have only one registered friend and that is my brother Matt. I want more friends! Here is my Wii console code:

1690 8407 2543 4210

Post your code in my comments and I will enter it into my console and then we can send each other messages. The online video games have another system though. You have to enter each other's game codes for the game you want to play as well.

This leads me to the real reason for this post

Mario Kart Wii!!!!! Or maybe I should say Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! This game is a blast. It is one of the best games I have ever played. There are new aspects to the game that give it new dimensions. The single player mode is fun, but where it really shines is the multi-player. This game should be the benchmark for how all the rest of their Online games should be. It is slick and seamless and you can't tell that you are online (except for the very very rare connection drop). You can race friends and people you don't know at the same time. There is just too much goodness for me to cover. I have only a few complaints. First, there is no voice chat (this could be a good thing because you don't have to listen to all of the stupid people swearing all the time). Second, the battle mode is always in teams. I think that you should be able to battle individually.

For those of you who have purchased it already, here is my friend code so you can play with me:

3050 8001 9730

Just post your friend code in the comments or email it to me jlars80@gmail.com. So if you haven't yet purchased Mario Kart Wii, get your $50 bucks and go buy it as soon as you can. I look forward to racing you online!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like life is good for the Larsens. Another chapter begins, you both look good. Keep in touch through allison's blog!
Jay Linford (bishop byu140)