Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A flood of good times?

This is a story that starts a long time ago in a galaxy far far away. Ever since my family moved into our new house, when I was five, we have had problems with flooding. This is not flooding from tons of rain but mostly from mistakes in watering the lawn, flowers, and garden. It didn't matter too much as the floor was cement and we had most of our possessions out of the way. Now that we have finished half the basement it has become a bigger problem. It involves taking out carpet and replacing carpet pad and the like.

My Mom has had a knack for flooding the basement several times a year. She turns on the hose to water her flowers and forgets it is on. This happened earlier this year and while I was not here, I heard it was really bad.

I guess you could call me my mother's son. While watering the yard and trying to water the garden, I opened a valve to get a better flow. Unbeknownst to me, the tap by the window well was wide open. It was about an hour before anyone knew. Whitney sent Autumn and the neighbor girls down the basement to play. They came back up announcing that it was all wet. Whit ran to tell me, I was outside, I went running to the window. That is when I found the faucet. After turning it off and rushing to get a bucket with a rope, I bucketed out the water from the window well. It was 2/3 of the way up the window. Whit ran to a rental place to get a carpet cleaning vacuum which sucked better than any shop vac I have ever seen. Scott called friends family and neighbors to come and help us. It took 4-5 hours before we were done cleaning up. At first the water would seep over the top of your shoes when you would step on the carpet in the bedroom. It was really muddy too. But we got it all cleaned up and now we are trying to get it really dry. We will have to replace the carpet pad in the bedroom. This happened on Saturday.

On Monday one of the neighbors that help us clean up called and asked for our help to clean up their basement flood. We thought that it might be a prank they were trying to play on us. So, in the spirit of good fun we decided to dress the part. Here is a picture:

There really was a little flood, but they thought it was hilarious. I hope you do to.


Spencer T said...

That really is hilarious...and bonus points for using the word "unbeknownst" in a blog post. Good to see you're still alive. I check every day, just glad to find a new one every once in a while.

Kelly said...

That is SO FUNNY!! I love that you all dressed the part so well. That's awesome. Its pretty funny too that your mom has flooded the basement multiple times...a year! That's crazy. Yep I guess you're definitely your mother's son. At least there wasn't too much damage.

I can't get over that picture! I'm so glad someone took one and that you posted it!!

Stephanie said...

Don't you just love home repairs? It's always an adventure.

Stephanie said...

I love the pictures! What fun!

Allie said...

We are funny. I don't know wouldn't love to have us as neighbors! Ha ha