Monday, December 17, 2007

The best entertainment in the world

I have been at my parents house in Washington for a few days now. I have to say that I have found the best and most addicting form of entertainment; watching my nephew Tanner toodle around. He is so funny! He dances to the music that plays from the Christmas decorations, he waddles clumsily around falling down often, he jabbers is gobledy gook, pushes a chair around the kitchen in circles, and a million other things that just make me laugh. I seriously can't get enough! He is the cutest little boy I have ever seen (that is until I have my own). His exploration of the new things around him is some of the happiest stuff in the world. And, when he is having a rough time I can hand him to his parents and don't have to deal with all that other heartache. It's the best of both worlds.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Staying in Utah...................................For Now

Well, it has been a long time since I blogged. But for those of you who know me, Whitney and I have been trying to decide whether to take a job at USAA in San Antonio. We have decided not to take the job and we are going to stay in Utah for the time being. This makes Whit very happy, and I feel good about it too.

It is a little scary to have only one opportunity and not take it. I am sure that some of you can understand what I am talking about. I am turning down a sure thing that would provide for my family. But, we feel like it is the right thing to do. The Lord will provide another opportunity. And it will be a better opportunity.

I have two last topics to talk about. First, the Nintendo Wii is the bomb. I love to play with my family. It is such a blast to have everyone around enjoying a game. It is great to be able to play with Whit, who normally can't compete in video games with me, and with others of my family.

Second, BYU basketball. I can't believe that they won their game last night against Pepperdine. They had 29 turnovers and they still won by 20. That is just sick and ridiculous. I sure hope that they start to play a little cleaner. Also, I still think the Jonathan Tavernari shoots too much. I do like him to shoot and stretch the defense, but he shoots when he isn't open. Also, he only takes fade away jumpers and 3 pointers. His defense is pretty crappy too. If he would improve this stuff it would help the team a lot. Anyway, that finishes my little rant for now.