A lot has happened since I last posted. Christmas, my birthday (29 years old!), moving out of the house into an apartment, and the biggest of all, the birth of my first child, Justin James Larson. It is hard to express orally or in written word the feelings of being a father and holding your son for the first time. It was amazing! Just look at this picture.
The joy burst in my chest when I saw him and heard his little squeak. I had such a huge smile on my face for hours and hours. I also can't describe the feelings of joy in my heart and on Whit's face when she got to hold little Justin. The look of happiness and love on her face made me beam. What a wonderful family I have and how blessed of Lord I am.
My time is busier now trying to figure out how to be a daddy and take care of Whit at the same time. I am worried as much or more for her as I am for him. I just know that the Lord is blessing us everyday.
I am surprised at how easy it is for me to take care of the "yucky" stuff. The things that grossed me out before seem to have no effect on me. I guess I am just good at dealing with what needs to be done. I also suppose Whit is going to use this to make me clean up the throw up. Until next time, Have a great day!